General Disclaimer & Safety Information
The content of this webstore is provided for general information and general educational purposes only and should not be regarded as medical or legal advice. To the full extent permitted by law, Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd is not responsible for any information that is incomplete, inaccurate, or not current. Any reliance on the material offered on this website and labelling is at your own discretion and risk and should not be relied upon as the entire basis for making purchasing decisions. Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd is not and shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from use or reliance of this information.
We source and purchase the highest quality organic, natural and pure oils, creams, gels and other products that we can obtain and whilst we do endeavour to provide organic, pure and natural wherever possible, please note as advised by our suppliers, that sometimes products are not always certified as organic but may very well be organic, that the grower may chose to not certify their crops or end product due to associated costs with certification. Any ingredient We suggest your own research be conducted and an independent judgement made prior to determining if it is appropriate for your specific purpose before purchase and usage of essential oils or other products.
Usage of our products is outside the control of Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd and as such Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd will not be liable for any errors, damage or injury and specifically disclaims any responsibility. The stability and nature of our products may be altered depending on storage conditions, or when used in combination with other ingredients; this is beyond our control once it leaves our premises. As the ordinary, any or otherwise use(s) of products is outside the control of Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd, no representation or warranty, implied or expressed or stated, is made as to the effect(s) of such use(s), (including damage or injury), or the results obtained.
Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd expressly disclaims responsibility as to the ordinary or otherwise use(s). Furthermore, nothing contained herein should be considered as a recommendation by Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd as to the fitness for any use. The liability of Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd does not surpass the value of the purchased products and does not include any consequential losses nor guarantee or warrant that precision, dependability or entirety of the information displayed on this website, or its’ effectiveness for proposed result.
Always keep Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd products out of reach of children and animals. Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd products are for external use only - not for ingestion or flavouring. Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd does not, in any manner, recommend or suggest ingesting essential oils. Use only in well ventilated areas and allow for animals to be able to exit the area, particularly for cats, as they cannot metabolise essential oils in the same way that humans can.
Essential oils should be diluted with a carrier oil prior to applying to skin. Do not apply essential oils neat to skin. See website dilution instructions guide. When applying any product with oil topically, avoid broken or damaged skin and areas such as eyes, inside nostrils, genitals and inner ears. Each dosage for an individual is different and should be tailored to their individual age and condition. The age and size of an individual as well as their medical circumstances should be considered. If pregnant, nursing, on medication, asthmatic, have high blood pressure or have any health concerns, seek advice from your consulting doctor, specialist or qualified healthcare provider prior to use. We use nut oils and hydrolyzed marine collagen in some of our cream products and advise accordingly on ingredients labels. These are held in the vicinity of our manufacturing area. If irritation should occur with any of our products, please discontinue use and consult your medical practitioner if condition persists. We think our oils are amazing but do not suggest the use of our oils to replace medical advice or treatment.
Oils are flammable and should be stored away from sunlight and heat. Some essential oils such as Bergamot, Lemon, Lime Grapefruit, Patchouli et al may have phototoxicity / photosensitivity effects. Always allow at least 12 hours after applying certain essential oils prior to being exposed to direct sunlight/UV rays. Should an adverse skin reaction occur, any essential oil on the skin’s surface should be washed away with soap (preferably unperfumed) and water for at least 10 minutes and expose the skin to the air (not in direct sunlight). Do not apply diluted or undiluted essential or carrier oils into the eyes. Should oil get in eyes, flush and rinse the eye with a liberal amount of water for 15 to 30 minutes, moving eyes in all directions to ensure all areas of the eyes are rinsed thoroughly. Remove and discard contacts lenses. Seek medical attention if condition persists or if urgent advice is required, telephone local poisons emergency information hotline.
Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26 Australia / Contact your nearest emergency centre if outside Australia.
Products and packaging displayed on this webstore are represented as authentically as possible but please be aware some colours and printing may be altered due to photography processes and lighting.
Prices for Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd products are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to alter or discontinue our products or service without notice at any given time.
Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd provides, to the best of its’ ability, proper care and consideration when providing information however we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information therefore, the information on this webstore should be validated from appropriate sources and you should rely on your own enquiries and assessments to verify the accuracy of the information. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available upon request. The nature and stability of our products may alter if combined with other ingredients, depending on storage conditions and timeframes and is beyond our control, thus we cannot accept liability in this regard.
Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd provides, to the best of its’ ability, proper care and consideration when providing information however we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information therefore, the information on this webstore should be validated from appropriate sources and you should rely on your own enquiries and assessments to verify the accuracy of the information. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available upon request. The nature and stability of our products may alter if combined with other ingredients, depending on storage conditions and timeframes and is beyond our control, thus we cannot accept liability in this regard.
This webstore and product/s services are not directed to children under the age of 15 as essential oils are an efficacious product. We do not knowingly collect information, including personal data, from children or other individuals who are not legally able to use our site or our services. If we acquire actual or genuine knowledge that we have been given or collected personal data from a child under the age of 15, we will immediately delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data. If you believe that we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of 15 please contact us immediately.
Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd endeavours to update this webstore periodically; you should be aware it may contain certain historical information. This information may be not current at time of perusal and is provided for your reference only. We do reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update all information on our site. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site before purchases, relevant to your requirements and situation. Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd cannot guarantee or warrant that the webstore itself is free from computer viruses or any other defects. Aromatherapy Dispensary Pty Ltd accepts no liability from your access to this webstore (or on any links and their content, from the webstore) or its’ contained information.